The Ultimate Guide to Safety Reporting & KPIs
Safety reports are an important part of your job. They provide an overview of what’s happening in your department, your impact on the organization, and help you strengthen your safety...
Safesite Predicts 2021’s Health and Safety Trends
The year 2020 was a wild year for health and safety professionals. We’re all still processing it, and most days look to be a repeat of last year. Some of...
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How to Reduce Your Workers Compensation Premiums with Safety Software
How do you help your organization get the best price on next year’s workers compensation premium? The answer is surprisingly simple: safety software. Yes, the same tool you use to...
How to Make a Case for Moving Beyond Compliance
Your company checks all the compliance boxes. You put the OSHA and DOL posters up in all the right places. You’re pretty proud of the safety orientation you developed for...
5 Steps to Stronger Safety Workflows in Areas with No Service
People working in remote areas may be twice as likely to require hospitalization due to an injury. Not only are injuries more serious, but more time elapses between the incident...
OSHA Recordability Guide: Is This a Recordable Incident? (Free Decision Tree)
What’s a surefire way to get slapped with a hefty but preventable OSHA fine? The answer is missing out on injury recording or reporting obligations. The good news is that...
What is HOP? A Quick Introduction to the Fail Safely Movement
What do you think it would take to eliminate all risks from your organization? An enormous safety budget? Stringent hiring practices? Investing in the most advanced technology on the market?...
6 Tips: How to Make the Most of Safety Observation Data
Get out of the office and walk the floor. What do you see? Most of us will see a mix of behaviors as teams work hard to meet quotas and...