Top 10 OSHA Self-Inspection Checklists

Checklists are an indispensable OSHA self-inspection tool. Managers (literally) check all the safety boxes during regular audits to ensure every standard is addressed.

While paper or Excel-based checklists remain common, many organizations are adopting Safety Management Software (SMS) that includes a digital checklist system.

Safesite is a free safety management software with a simple inspection and checklist feature. Our users rely on checklists to conduct fast and efficient safety audits. One user says the app is, “Easy to use and navigate. Easy to track and trend all our inspections and near misses.”

Osha Construction Master Safety Checklist

10 Popular Checklists Based on OSHA Standards

Our ten most popular mobile inspection checklists are available on the Safesite iOS and Android apps. We’ve also made them available on Google Spreadsheet or Excel (Template), Google Docs or Word (Template), and .PDF so you can quickly improve your compliance with OSHA standards.

Master OSHA Self-Inspection Checklist – Construction

Covering the full range of safety categories, this master checklist can be used for mock inspections and comprehensive audits.

Osha General Industry Master Inspection Checklist 1

Master OSHA Self-Inspection Checklist – General Industry

This checklist includes all general industry safety categories. Use it to conduct a mock inspection and measure yourself against OSHA standards.

OSHA Housekeeping Inspection

Use this daily checklist to manage workplace organization and hygiene.

Osha Housekeeping Checklist 1

OSHA Housekeeping Inspection – Spanish

Esta inspección cubre las pautas generales para la limpieza utilizando los estándares de OSHA en todas las industrias. Todo el personal puede utilizarlo para garantizar prácticas seguras.

OSHA Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Inspection

Ensure the correct usage of protective equipment with this PPE Checklist is based on OSHA standards for manufacturing.

Osha Ppe Checklist

OSHA Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Inspection – Spanish

Ensure the correct usage of protective equipment with this PPE Checklist is based on OSHA standards for manufacturing.

Osha Electrical Inspection

OSHA Electrical Inspection

OSHA Fall Protection Checklist

This inspection is ideal for foreman and subcontractors on projects that expose workers to elevated working environments.

Osha Fall Protection Checklist

OSHA Fall Protection Checklist – Spanish

Esta inspección de OSHA cubre exposiciones generales al riesgo de caídas. Ideal para capataces y subcontratistas en proyectos que exponen a los trabajadores a entornos de trabajo elevados.

Osha Truck Safety Checklist

Truck Safety Inspection

Identify mechanical issues or defects that may cause accidents or downtime. Ideal for mechanics, drivers, and safety officers during pre-start checks or regular inspections.

Truck Safety Inspection – Spanish

Esta lista general de inspección de seguridad de vehículos de la industria se utiliza para evaluar las condiciones de trabajo y la preparación de un vehículo para un próximo viaje.

Get More OSHA Checklists

Access the full OSHA checklist library on the Safesite app. With Safesite, you can conduct mobile inspections for free. In addition to conducting paper-free inspections, you can also manage your safety program digitally.

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We're a group of safety and tech professionals united in our desire to make every workplace safer. We keep a pulse on the latest regulations, standards, and industry trends in safety and write about them here on our blog.

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