View safety resources from Safesite regarding PPE (Personal Protective Equipment). Learn best practices for head protection, inclusive PPE, and safety management programs.

Hearing Protection in the Workplace

According to the CDC, tens of millions of workers are potentially exposed every year to damaging noise. Hearing loss is a preventable condition, and employers are responsible for providing hearing...

A Guide to Head Protection in the Workplace

The purpose of head protection is to safeguard workers from falling debris, low-hanging objects, electrical hazards, or even direct sunlight. Industrial and construction workers generally wear hard hats or safety...

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A Guide to Sourcing Inclusive PPE for Diverse Teams

Is your PPE stock offering workers full protection? Worse, is some of your PPE actually a hazard? Your PPE stocks may be well-sourced and managed, but if they’re not inclusive,...

Hidden Hazards: How to Fit and Wear a Fall Arrest Harness

Fall protection. It seems like it should be a no-brainer. If someone’s working at heights, they need a fall arrest harness (and a fall arrest system). And yet: OSHA 1926.501...

Give Employees a Hand: A Guide to Safety Gloves

Do you know what type of injury resulted in almost 43% of the injuries causing days away from work in 2018? It’s hand and finger injuries. Yes, cuts, burns, and...

How to Get Started with Your Respiratory Protection Program: Part 2

Like canned food, duct tape, and Jeeps, respirators owe their modern-day usage to wartime. Before World War I, respiratory protection wasn’t a priority, despite thousands dying from respiratory issues. During...

The Safety Shoes & Steel Toe Boots Selection Guide

The human foot is one of the most complex parts of the body. There are 26 bones, 33 joints, and over 100 ligaments, muscles, and tendons in each foot. To...

How to Get Started with Your Respiratory Protection Program: Part 1

We’re nearly a year into the COVID-19 pandemic and masks have become a necessary part of life for billions of people worldwide. While the average person may be new to...
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