
View safety resources from Safesite regarding excavation. Learn best practices for excavation safety, 811 Day, fall safety, and more excavation safety tips.

Protective Systems for Trench Safety

With an average of 19 trench fatalities per year, protective systems are essential for trench safety. These fatalities and accidents are preventable. Sloping, shoring, shielding, and benching help prevent the...

Excavation Safety Tips for 811 Day

It’s 8/11 or 8-1-1 Day! 8/11 is a great day to re-cover some basic excavation safety tips, and there are three things everyone should know: There are 20 million miles...

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Dig Deep: The Ultimate Excavation Safety Guide

Excavation work involves removing soil or rocks and leaving behind an open area, a hole, or cavity. Excavation can be done manually using tools, such as on an archaeological site....

To Call 811 or Not? Commonly Asked Questions

There is more than one football field’s length of buried utility lines for each individual in the United States — including children. Much of this critical infrastructure is buried less...